If you don’t file taxes, you may be MISSING OUT on money for your family. Free Help Is Available!
Claim Your Refund — Do it for them
If you didn’t file taxes last year, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars from unclaimed tax credits or stimulus payments – money that you can use for back-to-school supplies or other needs.
Even if you haven’t filed recently, Pisgah Legal could help you:
If you aren’t required to file taxes based on your income, Pisgah Legal can help you file year-round. There is no pressure, and you decide whether or not to file.
With free help from Pisgah Legal’s tax preparers, Dawn claimed the tax credits she qualified for. She didn’t even have to take any time off work to file her tax return and claim her refund. Now, Dawn has more money for every-day expenses for her and her daughter.
*Names changed to protect clients’ identities
Complete the form below, and we will give you a call.
Nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services assists people in an 18-county service region in Western North Carolina and has been serving local people since 1978.
We are a certified VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) site.
Pisgah Legal offers drop-off and remote filing options. Tax preparers and advocates are available to assist clients in English and Spanish.
If you haven’t filed your 2021 tax return, you may have missed two enhanced tax credits that could make a difference in your life: the Child Tax Credit (CTC), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). These tax credits could add up to thousands of dollars for you.
Both tax credits are refundable, which means you can get the full amount even if you don’t owe any taxes. The CTC and EITC will not count as income the next time you file.